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Strange Paper Towels

April 23, 2001

Huh, I wondered. What are these?

They were strangely shaped and white. Well mostly. They seemed to have a bit of blue at the flat end and they had a ring of green writing or something around them on the plastic.

They could almost be boats... or one of those things that they put grain into. They were definitely the shape of that. Perhaps a bullet? No, bullets had points, don't they? Perhaps they were boats, thought I couldn't figure out why mom would have boats in her purse. Especially funnily shaped ones. So I got a bowl of water and put one in. Well it floated, sort of. But it looked like the green part was trying to come off. So I pulled it out of the water and unwrapped the plastic. As soon as the plastic was off it began to expand and I dropped it into the water.


Well it was no longer even vaguely shaped like a boat or one of those grain storage things and it had a blue string tied to it and it was now a big puffy soggy mess.

What the heck was it?? I struggled with trying to find a reason for such a thing.

Maybe it was for if she spilled something and didn't have any paper towels or napkins or anything like that to clean it up.

Yeah. It was like an emergency paper towel or something. But I still couldn't figure out the blue string.

I squeezed out as much of the water as I could, trying not to get any on the table, and threw out the strange paper towel. I then poured the water down the drain of the kitchen sink. Some water had gotten on the table but that blue string was still worrying me so instead of opening another of those emergency paper towels I simply got a regular one and used it to mop up the counter top.

I hope she doesn't find out.
Last Updated June 15, 2002