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Trans Community Rift


There is a large rift in the trans community. There are also many different sides to that rift, not just two. However at this point I'm just going to look at two of them.

On one side seem to be people who fit, at least to some degree, comfortably within the current binary sytem of gender. On the other side seems to be people who do not.

I've heard people who don't fit into the system call those who do delusional. I've heard people who do fit into the system call those who don't posers.

To be honest I'm fed up with the whole deal. I'm sick of having to hear the same discriminatory and judgemental bullshit, from both sides. Not everyone does this. Unfortunatly when it happens it's *loud*.

No one deserves to have their identity or pronouns questioned. My reasons for my pronouns are not necessarily your reasons. Nor do they need to be. However both need to be respected. My reasons for hormones or surgery are quite likely not the same as yours. But both decisions need to be respected. My identity - my identity is unique and so is yours. Different histories, different presents, different systems of belief, all go into creating our current identities. That difference should be honored not disregarded. It is, afterall, what makes us unique.

Sometimes I get very tired. As much as I gain from being involved in the trans community it can often run me down. Sometimes I think longingly about a cave. Somewhere I could go to, crawl inside, and pull the entrance in after me. After all there's no politics to deal with when you live in solitude.

Last Updated June 15, 2002